Public Class Form1
Dim hewan, buah As Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
TextBox1.Text = ""
MsgBox("Anda belum memasukan Inputan pertama")
ElseIf TextBox2.Text = "" Then
TextBox2.Text = ""
MsgBox("Anda belum memasukan Inputan kedua")
If TextBox1.Text = "Macan Tutul" Or TextBox1.Text = "Kanguru" Or TextBox1.Text = "Landak" Or TextBox1.Text = "Gajah" Or TextBox1.Text = "Buaya" Then
hewan = 1
ElseIf TextBox1.Text = "Nanas" Or TextBox1.Text = "Manggis" Or TextBox1.Text = "Anggur" Or TextBox1.Text = "Durian" Or TextBox1.Text = "Apel" Then
hewan = 2
End If
If TextBox2.Text = "Macan Tutul" Or TextBox2.Text = "Kanguru" Or TextBox2.Text = "Landak" Or TextBox2.Text = "Gajah" Or TextBox2.Text = "Buaya" Then
buah = 1
ElseIf TextBox2.Text = "Nanas" Or TextBox2.Text = "Manggis" Or TextBox2.Text = "Anggur" Or TextBox2.Text = "Durian" Or TextBox2.Text = "Apel" Then
buah = 2
End If
End If
If hewan = 1 And buah = 1 Then
MsgBox("Keduanya adalah hewan", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
ElseIf hewan = 2 And buah = 2 Then
MsgBox("Keduanya adalah buah", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
ElseIf hewan <> buah Then
MsgBox("Keduanya tidak sebanding karena keduanya berbeda", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
TextBox1.Text = ""
TextBox2.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub
End Class
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